A Spiritual orientation from the very early age would provide for individual’s evolution and thereby contributing towards the world peace and harmony. A Gurukul school for rural children to impart education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet, is established in the academic year 2014. This education system will be based on “National Education” propagated by Swami Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita, Sri Aurobindo and Pujya Guruji Dr. Vedavyas. The Gurukul School has been named as Rishi Vatika Gurukul School.  The aim of the this Gurukul school would be to make the students, ‘Bundles of Positivity’ in our society, equipped with unbridled energies and strength.


Bringing up children as spiritual stalwarts

Gurukula system of teaching is a 5000-year-old Hindu tradition of transmitting higher knowledge and enlightenment to the students by yogic power by the Guru. The Gurukula is the house of the Guru where a Bhramachari- a boy student and kanya- a girl student is taught everything working, playing and living. Life is a school that is the idea of Gurukula.

Aim of Gurukula Education:

The aim of our traditional Gurukula technique is to develop the latent yogic powers of the child and build him up to into a Moral & Spiritual stalwarts and not just a walking computer. In Gurukula, Guru develops his students into a real Purusha. A Purusha means a real hero, who is not afraid of everything, he is not afraid of life, disease. He also teaches how to analyze the fear and try to surpass it. The youngsters are trained in exercises and in Yogic Asanas and Mental Training in high concentration through Meditation for Awakening of Higher centers of understanding. Gurukula system devotes special attention to character building.

In the words of Dr. Vedavyas

“Gurukula is the house of the Guru i.e. what you learn is not a school, it is your home, it is a home of knowledge, then they ask me where is the guru, I said Guru is inside everybody, thinks Guru is a man outside this man, that man, no doubt he helps you to get knowledge or discovers how to get knowledge, but somebody talks to you, laughs, you know he is angry with you, how do you know all that, because there is a center ness, the knowledge center even in a 3 years old child, the child sees mother and smiles, that means he understands, so this understanding center is called Guru.”

Birth of Modern English Education:

The education our colleges & Universities are teaching are English education. This education is started by Maculay who was specially sent by British to prepare a project for slavery of Hindus permanently. British after research found that even after so many attacks and rulers ruling Bharath, rulers could not destroy the culture. 100 times Muslims broke the temples and 200 times the temples were built again. 1000 times they burnt books, 2000 times they wrote again, because our guru’s memorize every thing, so if one book is burnt they have written another book again. So British came to a conclusion that merely by conquering Hindus, there is no use. They realized that they should destroy from inside the culture and Vedas because Hindus believe in their culture, Vedas and gyana. So to destroy this British started this English Education where they pickup students as youngsters and make them cut their hair and put the shirts and pants like British people, and motivate to live like a westerner and they taught if you live like a western man you will be great, you drink wine, you dance and eat meat, you  have illicit sex, the more criminal you are you are great. More money you have  you are great. The result of this education is that even the Brahmins today have lost their values. So we can see how after 50  years of Independence we have lost our Gurukula Education system and values and how British are successful in their aim of destroying our education system.

Teaching process of Gurukula

The aim of gurukuka education is building up of character, and not making man a computer like a telephone directory; western education is giving all information to brain. The western education takes a boy and puts knowledge into his head, but gurukula education takes the knowledge from inside the atma. Gurukula theory is knowledge should not be got from outside it is already there inside. The knowledge, which comes from within, is the knowledge of rishis. In western education, you give student a textbook, from the textbook you put into the memory and then put back into booklet during examination. In gurukula the guru will teach how to makeup your defects, guru will teach that all your present difficulties are due to your past karma, first remove this old mistakes and don’t commit new mistakes. In gurukula a student is taught everything working, playing and living. As students stay with guru, guru can observe his students very closely and he makes them realize their defects and rectifies them.

At Gurukula System, a systematic teaching of Sanskrit plus fundamentals of Hinduism like, concept of Moral Responsibility or Dharma, the scientific basis of the law of “Action and Reaction” or karma to stress the need for responsibility for one’s own action. This teaching is followed by regular classroom teaching of science along with parallel Hindu ideas in the Vedas and the Shastras, the role of Man’s action and behavioral attitudes in shaping the growth of one’s own personality.

A Spiritual orientation from the very early age would provide for individual’s evolution and thereby contributing towards the world peace and harmony. A Gurukul school for rural children to impart education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet was started from academic year 2016. This education system is based on “National Education” propagated by Swami Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita, Sri Aurobindo and Pujya Guruji Dr. Vedavyas. The Gurukul School has been named as Rishi Vatika Gurukul School.  The aim of the this Gurukul school would be to make the students, ‘Bundles of Positivity’ in our society, equipped with unbridled energies and strength.


To develop the latent yogic powers of the child and build him into a Moral and Spiritual Stalwarts and not just a walking computer!


To revive and spread the Ancient Gurukula System of Man Making Education.

Campus Life

The Campus life and the environment is natural, with enough vegitation, virgin grass lands, flowers, sunlight and fresh air, untouched by noise pollution chemical or Mental. There is less imposing walls of the class room with trees and their shades as class rooms. The students comune with nature! The aim is to make him learn from within, and discover the secret Source of Knowledge inside himself. There is less of outward cramping and information loading. There is more teaching about the “Laws of Nature” which are to be obeyed in life – if good health, peace of mind and harmony in life are to be developed.

Children are brought up in a natural loving and domestic atmosphere, here learning takes place as play ! The attitude of life as play and learning as a very natural and invoulntary growth – will develop the human being whose basic strength is character building and purity of the individual, which we find sadly in short supply in the society of today. A child brought up unspoiled by commercialising “Money- consciousness” or political prejudices or dark superstitions is the ideal of the Rishi Vatika Gurukul School – as a way of life that will be inculcated right from the kindergarden stage !

Yoga – diet, relaxation of mind and body, techniques of Concentration and an increased focus on the highewr purpose of Life – these are the guidelines in framing the syllabus, circulum and the study material of school.


Rishi Vatika Gurukul School

A Rural Village School for the transformation of children into a Moral and Spiritual Stalwarts

Rishi Vatika Gurukulam

A New Age Gurukulam with futuristic curriculum and Bharatiya scientific pedagogy

Rishi Vatika Veda Pathashala

Rishi Vatika Veda Pathasala is in planning stage and will  announce once started.