Spiritual Monthly Magazine – “SUBHAVARTHA” (Telugu)

The monthly Spiritual Magazine by name “Subha Varta” was started in 1975 by Mrs. G. Santa Rani in New Delhi under the guidance of Poojya Gurudev Dr. Vedavyas under USCEFI as a housewives venture – starting with 100 copies in Telugu. As the magazine became popular, the number of copies in demand rose to 500 and then to 2000. Soon the house-wives could not handle and take the load of printing and circulation, the production of the magazine has been shifted to Hyderabad with the assistance and the good-will of Sri M.V.S Prasad’s father Sri Suryanarayana Murthy.

Ever since its beginning the Magazine expanded rapidly in circulation throughtout the districts, largely because of the Research articles in Yoga, Astrology and Hindu Religion. Today the Magazine has touched over 22,000 – copies of circulation — without any business distributor and any commercial News Agent to sell the Magazine in the bookshops.

Currently the Editor of the magazine is E. Dattatreya.

Subscription Rates:

1 Year – 12 issues – Rs. 150/- per year in India & USD 20 for USA (including postage)

3 Year – 12 issues – Rs. 300/- per Year (including postage).

Single Copy: Rs. 10/-

Contact to Subscribe:

Secretary, USCEFI, Plot No. 56, Road No. 8, Jubliee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033

Phone No. 040- 23547350, email: master_1934@yahoo.com