This would be a dedicated unit to cater and arrange for all the travelling needs for inmates, members and visitors of Rishi Vatika. The travel desk would also be responsible for organizing the stay, plan activities and tours while visiting Rishi Vatika.
A travel desk is a necessity. This will be in place with residents pouring in.
It is planned to provide transportation to residents on need basis,
Arrangements to include pick up and drop, escort to Rly. Stations, Bus terminals and Airports at Bangalore and Tirupati etc., This can be organized on cost basis.
Medical facilities will be made available on a normal cost basis for primary health needs, Special needs can be handled separately
Provision for accommodating parents of NRIs is being considered, This facility will be made available at actual or nominal costs
Communications will be available, cell phones, Internet facility, courier service on call basis, postal facility, nearby bank facility etc.,
Can have an extension counter of a Bank in the Campus with ATM kiosk at an appropriate future date as transactions pick up and grow.